Chesapeake Transmission and Auto is a full-service auto repair shop serving the needs of Hampton Roads


Open Til 7 pm Monday - Saturday!


General Auto Repair

General Auto Repair Chesapeake, VAIf you’re wondering if we tackle repair projects outside of transmissions and engines, well then the answer is a loud, enthusiastic “yes!” 

Here at Chesapeake Transmission and Auto, we aim to be a full service facility. We have the capabilities, know how, and professionals onsite to be able to address the weird noise your car makes when you hit the brakes, the shudder in your steering wheel when you make U-turns, and the door that won’t lock. We fear no gear, so anything and everything is on the table.

Some of the common services we provide for general auto repair include (but are certainly not limited to)

  • Spark Plug replacements
  • Catalytic Converter replacements and repairs— this will increase your fuel efficiency. Maintaining and repairing them early can save you much more costly replacements down the line. 
  • Fuel Cap replacements— are you really low on fuel? Or is your fuel cap loose?
  • Oxygen Sensors— A more common problem in cars with extensive mileage on them, these replacements are key to maintaining lower emissions, higher fuel economy, and protecting other (more expensive) parts of your car. 
  • Thermostat Replacements— this could be why that Check Engine light popped on the other day. This regulates the temperature of your engine, making sure it doesn’t overheat. 
  • Brake Pad Replacements— we aim to keep your car going. Until it’s time to stop. Then we make sure your vehicle is coming to a safe and complete stop. This means checking the thickness of your brake pads at each tire rotation, and replacing them when they become worn down. 
  • Fluid Flushes— This includes everything from your standard oil changes to your, less common but equally important, fluid flushes. Your transmission, brakes, coolant and power steering systems all rely on different types of fluids to keep them operating correctly. Because these fluids aren’t changed as commonly as your oil, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and exchange and replace these fluids on schedule. Some depend on a certain mileage, others it’s worth doing every couple of years just to keep things in tip top shape.

If those lights on your dashboard have lit up, you’re not sure if it’s time to schedule a fluid flush, you need an oil change or your air conditioner is on the fritz, give us a call. We will get you scheduled, and we’re more than willing to take the time to go over any and all suggested maintenance that will keep your vehicle running long after you’ve made that last auto loan payment. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate. Give Chesapeake Transmission and Auto a call— we fear no gear.